Monday, August 23, 2010

A Weekend in Waikiki

The Ala Moana hotel had a great deal for $40 hotel rooms if you stayed for three nights.  Matt and Mark heard about the deal and promptly organized our mini staycation.   We had a 3-day weekend for Statehood day so we packed up Wednesday night and as soon as school was out on Thursday we headed in to Waikiki.  I was a little nervous about how the kids would sleep all in one room and if we would get any sleep but it worked out perfectly. The only bummer was that I took my phone in to the Apple store because I was getting an error message and when they updated it I lost everything.  As soon as I got home I synced it to get everything back...good news!  Bad news was that all but a couple of pictures I took over the weekend were lost.   So since I basically organize my thinking around pictures good luck following this...

The Buelows weren't able to come down the first night because Gavin had a fever (it only lasted one night thankfully!) so we went to dinner and by the time we got all moved in it was bedtime for the kids.  After we put them down Matt and I hung out on the patio to unwind before we crashed too.

In the morning it was rise n shine at 6 o'clock as usual...we hung around the hotel for a while and then went window shopping at the mall while we waited for the Buelows to make it down.

Abby had been excited about the zoo all week so naturally Matt was possibly more excited to take her.  Unfortunately, as soon as we got there she fell asleep ( in her defense it was nap time).  Matt was a little disappointed and decided to wake her up.  The kids had a pretty good time at the zoo but they definitely had their moments after G. being sick and all of them missing their naps.

 It was off to Kobe for dinner and we packed up the kiddos in the stroller.   The food and the kids were amazing! After dinner we were able to put the kids to bed while Steph and Mark watched them and we headed across the parking lot of the hotel to Mai Tai's in the mall.  We just stayed for a few hours but it was a perfect little get away for us!

Saturday we walked over to the Hilton Hawaiian Village and set up camp on the lagoon.  We gt some great relaxing time while the kids played and it felt like much more of a vacation than walking around the zoo all day!

Saturday evening we went to Dukes for dinner and the kids were a little antsy and tired but we made the best of really can't go wrong at Duke's.

Sunday came too fast and we were already packing up.  On our way out of town we stopped at the Sheraton Waikiki to hang by the pool but it was pretty crowded and windy so we didn't stay too long.

All in all it was a great weekend and I had to at least write down what we did since I have no pictures:(.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

August Birthdays

Two of my favorite girls have August birthdays and we have been trying to get together to celebrate them.  We had planned to go out to dinner but with Jenn's husband, Matt, just getting deployed to Iraq we decided it would be way easier to bring dinner to her house so she didn't have to get a sitter.  I picked up Thai food and some ice cream and we had a nice dinner.  It was very relaxing and great to catch up and of course  the highlight of the evening was meeting little miss Makenzie Grace!

Bellows Beach Day

We packed up and headed to the eat side of the island to celebrate Sara's birthday at Bellows. Unfortunately, because it was a military beach we had trouble getting in to celebrate with the her but set up camp right outside the military line on the public side.  At least we got to walk over and see the birthday girl.

Abby and Gavin were so cute walking over to the beach site.  These two are almost exactly a year apart.

It was a great day.  The kids payed, the dads entertained and the moms relaxed and soaked up the sun!

Zack and Matt playing in the water.

Zack's Growing Up So Fast!

On Friday, Zack's first tooth popped on the bottom... I thought we had a few more months of the adorable gummy smile:(.

He is officially sleeping through the night of course I am very happy about this!

We had our first attempt at rice cereal and he did pretty well (enter my least favorite baby food- yuck!)

He has wanted to be sitting upright since the day we brought him home from the hospital.    We usually put him in this while we eat so he can hang with us but this is how he now likes to sit in it.  He also takes the toy bar off...seriously this one may be a handful when he is mobile!  It looks like the bouncer is a thing of the past.

Abby's Antics

Abbycakes  is 20 months old now and we are really enjoying this fun age (but really aren't they all!).  She is talking a lot and learns new words everyday it is just a matter of us recognizing what those words are. Sometimes we are a little slow on the uptake:).  Some  of her new favorites are nunnel (tunnel), awside (outside), and yoyo  (yogurt).  Pleases and thank yous are becoming more and more accurate and automatic, which I love to hear. 

Here are a few of my favorite things about Abby these days:

Abby is pretty agreeable and when we ask her questions her instinctive response is yeaaahhh ( with a little bounce)...she drags it out and it is so sweet in a way that sounds like she has a southern drawl.  She is walking up and down the stairs by herself and at Matt's recent softball game she climbed up and down the bleaches the whole game.  Don't get me wrong she has her moments but she is very resilient and pretty easy to redirect.

She loves food and can eat blueberries, oranges and eggs all day long.  We are very fortunate that she eats pretty much anything.

As far as being a big sister, I could never have wished for the two kids to be more loving and adorable together.  Abby asks for Zack as soon as she wakes up and gives him big hugs and  kisses often.  If he is fussy she grans his pacifier or his play gym to calm him down.  Abby even "washes" Zack when they are in the bath.  Zack lights up when she is near him. 

She is entering a very "helpful" phase also.  If I try and sweep the floors she wants the broom, she loves to get wipes and throw the diapers away. 

She enjoys the water, mainly the water park...and squeals every time we pass it.  She loves beach days but spends most of her time playing in the sand with her friends.  I love it too because she stays occupied and requires very little tan is finally improving:)

Abby has never had a security object but recently she started asking for her Abby Story (Abby's Cadabby's Shapes) before I drop her off and she brings it in to daycare with her.  It has really helped her transition and we are back to tearless goodbyes after two weeks:).

All of a sudden Abby has a renewed interest in her old toys that she is way too big for...hmmmm???

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Matt started playing softball with some other teachers and is loving it!  The games are usually once a week (if the schedule doesn't get messed up).  He has been playing third base and leading off..yeah Matt!  Tonight the game was supposed to start at 6:15 so we loaded up the crew and headed into Waikele to watch the game.  The kids were great and we are so glad we made it to cheer Matt on.  Abby played on the jungle gym and climbed all over the bleachers for 2 hours.  She is getting so independent and Zack was just taking it all in.

It was fun to see Matt play and Abby was a great cheerleader.  I wasn't the best photographer but I tried.

Nice hit!  Two runs scored off this one:)

 Kevin, Matt and Abby watching from the dugout
He is so quick at third base I could only get and action shot
Getting ready to bat

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Mommy Time

 Matt offered to watch the kids and I got a few hours alone.  I rushed off to get a pedicure and and lounged at the beach for a bit.  I was only gone a couple of hours but it did wonders and the kids loved their time with daddy.  Thanks Babe!!!

Shannen also came to visit some family and friends on the island and we got to spend some quality time together which was awesome!  It had been close to a year and a half since we had seen each other so it was great to catch up.

One of her last days here Matt took Zack all day (Abby was at daycare) and we hiked Diamond Head and hung out in Waikiki.  It was a fabulous day!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Zack is 4 Months

Our little guy is 4 months old!  We are having so much fun with him.  He is full of smiles and pretty chill.  Abby can't get enough of him.  It is so cute to see how loving the 2 of them are and how many kisses Abby gives him.  Zack started daycare with his sister and is doing really well.  Abby has been struggling with the transition a little though.  Finally, today she didn't cry when I dropped her off! 

Z had his check up today and all is good!  He weighed in at 14.9 ounces and 26 inches 1/4 inches long.  I was so impressed with him at the doctor's office today. We were in there for an hour and a half and he was such an angel!  He just played and smiled nicely with everyone.  When he got his shots, he only briefly wimpered on the last shot.  He is such a tough little guy!

Ohhh... I love those eyes!

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Zack slept through the night!!!  He actually had one less feeding during the day but still went to bed at 7 and then never woke up for his midnight snack until 5.  I know 5 is not the best time to get up but I will take it.  Abby did that for a long time and we finally got her to sleep until 6 or 6:30 so that is my goal for Zack and we will keep pushing toward it but for now I am excited about the prospect of  a full night sleep.  I was beginning to think it was never going to happen.  I know that in the grand scheme of things right around 4 months is not so bad but I was spoiled with Abby sleeping through the night at the end of 2 of the many lessons about how they are not the same kids:).

Sunday, August 1, 2010


I forgot to add this picture of Abby sunbathing to our summer pictures... too cute!