Tuesday, March 15, 2011

372 Months!

Also known as 31 years...Happy birthday to Matt!  Out of all the things to do on the island, Matt chose to spend his birthday at the aquarium so the kids could enjoy it too.  He is such an awesome dad!

The kids had a love hate experience at the aquarium.  They were awe struck by the fish but pretty scared to be in the new and dark environment.  They didn't let either of get too far away:)
Matt loves Coldstone (really, who doesn't?) so we walked over and had Coldstone after lunch.  Abby was in heaven as you can see from her huge grin and mouth full of ice cream:).
We still had some time in the afternoon and since we have zoo passes we headed across the street to for a quick trip to check out some animals and play on the playground.

To top off the evening we had our old neighbor come stay with the kids as they slept and we went out with the Buelows for drinks at Roy's, dinner at Just Tacos and we finished the night in the hot tub!  It was a great adult night out and a perfect way to celebrate Matt's birthday.

Martinis at Roy's

Bottoms up boys!
Go figure..I forgot to get a picture of the birthday boy and me:(

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