Sunday, May 15, 2011

My Little Monkey

Zack is climbing up everything he can these days.  Below are a few of the positions that I have found him in and been fast enough with my camera to catch.  One I didn't catch was him balancing on the stroller wheels drinking his milk!  He is way more aware of how to get around than Abby was at this age ( and still is,  probably).  He tries things that I never even dreamed of Abby doing.  Not sure if it is the boy or just a different personality but he certainly is an active little guy! The top left picture He stood up as soon as we stopped and tried to climb the fence while Abby sat in the watched the animals.
 The stove cracks me up!  He has been attempting this for a while but now he has it perfected.  The unfortunate part is that our oven is touch screen and he can manipulate it when he climbs up.  He also climbs up the chairs in the dining room, which is scary since there are so many ways to get hurt:(.  Luckily, he can usually figure out how to get out of a precarious situation.
 We weren't quite ready to let him attack this one on his own.
Although he loves to climb up, he still refuses to walk more than a few steps horizontally.  A stubborn one for sure!

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