Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Zack's 1 Month Doctor's Appointment

We had Zack's one month appointment today. He is a healthy and tough little boy. He cried for all of 10 seconds when he got his shot and then nuzzled in his daddy's neck and that was it. On the way out the nurse said, "He is awfully quiet for getting a shot."

Zack weighed in at 10 pounds 4 ounces (It makes the endless nursing sessions worthwhile when your little one is healthy!) and is 23 5/8 inches long, which the docotor said was really long. We were kind of surprised to have a long/ tall baby since we aren't the tallest people but the doctor said that growth in the first 6 months are relative to how much he is getting to eat and genetics kick in after that.

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