Sunday, November 28, 2010

Milestones Galore

We had lots of firsts this thanksgiving weekend. 

The biggest is that Zack started crawling.  I began to think it was never going to happen because he was getting so frustrated and would just roll everywhere instead of even trying to crawl and all of a sudden he started getting up and all fours and alternates between getting on all fours and army crawling.  Yay Zack!
He is also starting to wave bye bye and play some version of  pat a is so cute!

He also loves standing and is cruising little distances.
Abby spontaneously counted to ten and is getting up to G consistently in her alphabet.  She is talking a lot more and is trying out some new catch phrases to see which get her the most attention.  Some of her favorites are:
*OOOOHHHH!  said very sweetly and with lots of enthusiasm when something is interesting ( or she just wants attention).
  another variation includes ooohhhh! thanks dad/mom
* Me: Abby...
   Abby:  What mom? (excuse me are you 2 or 12!)
* When I tell her something she has learned to ask not just why, buy why not
* She has been singing Happy birthday to Abby

As my dear friend Claudia pointed out to me, in spite of the "terrible" minutes here and there,  two is such a fun age.  We are loving getting to know their little personalities and see both of the kids grow minute by minute!

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