Sunday, January 9, 2011

Disneyland Dad

It was always a joke between my parents that my dad was, "Disneyland Dad" when my mom had to be the "bad guy" (actually, not sure if my mom will actually recall this as a joke).  So last night when we were at dinner Abby was pouring water back and forth between 2 cups and it was looking like we were headed toward disaster so I removed a cup.  Matt emptied the cup and handed it back to her.  I just looked at him and he looked at Abby and said, "you want to go to Disneyland?"  Haha daddy!  We all had a good laugh with that one.  

Disneyland Dad also called our neighbors while we were in PA and asked them to pick up some fireworks for us so he could show the kids.  Last night we decided to set some off.  They started small with sparklers and it was pretty mellow and then all of a sudden we had to duck for cover...literally.
I am so relieved they are illegal next year!!!

baby fireworks

BIG fireworks

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