Thursday, April 21, 2011

Shadow a Parent Night

Tonight we had conflicting schedules.  I had my Master's class and Matt had to meet with our group of homeowners so we can actually sell our house ( be continued) so we each took a kid with us to work tonight.

Zack helped Matt with his sales pitch to the home owners and they got some quality bonding time in while Abby attended her first college class and had a blast...she wants to go back.   She hung out with my Master's students while we had our faculty meeting at the next table over.  Luckily, my group got there early and she played pay-doh and entertained them.  Although, I don't think they got much done with her there:(.  She perused the book shelves and I am sure added some work for the librarian.   All in all she managed to stay busy for 3 hours and not be too much of a distraction.  I can't let her completely off the hook though.  Just as I thought we had made without any major disasters she had an accident ( a messy one)...UGGH!  I guess she isn't quite ready for college.  We'll work on getting potty training down first.

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